Showing posts with label needle punch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label needle punch. Show all posts

Monday, March 9, 2009

Shopping Spree and a Share...

Okay, so like don't tell my Husband, but I went fabric and craft shopping today. I didn't spend a lot of money, in fact I saved over $20 on my purchases by using coupons! Here's what I got:

House material that I originally saw on Jane's Fabrics & Quilts and a coordinating print.

This delightful group of blue/white/brownish-black material. I'm thinking maybe a new purse!

Some new satin floss and I have decided to try punch needle embroidery. We'll see how I like it!

So I grab the mail on my way up the driveway after my exhausting day of shopping at JoAnn's and what do I find, but a package! More material love-li-ness! A few days ago I purchased this Alexander Henry fabric from Anthem Fabrics. My picture really can't do this material justice, it's so cute!

It's called April Showers and May Flowers in chocolate/strawberry. I don't usually do the cutesy thing (despite the previous house material) with material, but I just couldn't pass this up!
On to the sharing! I have the Febuary and March block done in the Veranda Views BOM. I am so happy with these!

I am still looking for the right fabric to use for finishing the quilt as we can start sewing sashing on the blocks now, but I just can't decide on anything! I may have to bite the bullet and go to the quilt store and look at some more expensive fabrics. I have been trying to stay on a tight budget with my purchases, but sometimes you just have to splurge!

So that's my was yours?