Showing posts with label table runner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label table runner. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Project Progress and the Incredibly Giving Winnings

I have finished the projects I wanted to for my Mother's birthday on Thursday. I mentioned the apron I wanted to make for her painting class since she keeps putting her boobs in her paint! It turned out really cute and was incredibly easy to make.

I also made up the ornament I mentioned. It turned out really cute. It's hard to see but the background material for the snowman is actually a pale blue with sparkly snow flakes, which is why I couldn't get a good picture of it! I learned a valuable lesson while making this. Don't talk on the phone to Gamer (who is at college) while sewing, otherwise you won't pay attention and WILL stick the eye of the needle viciously in your finger! That was two days ago and my finger is STILL killing me!

I also decided to use a darling panel I had on hand that I bought at my LQS recently. I had originally planned to make a wall hanging out of it for myself, but decided my Mom needed a fun Christmas table runner instead! It's very simple, just a little quilt as you go where I added the borders, but I love the way it turned out!

A while back I won a penny rug giveaway from Trudy over at Bits of Wool. After much concern over the fact that the mail decided to move slower than a snail...I got it! Look at all the wonderful things Trudy sent me!

Beautiful magazines, lovely ribbons and mini ornaments, buttons and chocolate! Even though my fingers are itching to get started on the stitching on the penny rug, I am being a good girl and I have put it away until I finish all my Christmas things! Now I have a lovely thing to look forward to making after the holidays! Thank you so much Trudy! You truly have a loving and giving nature!

Make sure you stop over to Trudy's blog as she is having another giveaway - you really don't want to miss out on the opportunity.