Monday, December 8, 2008

17... Moda Poem

Days to go...

I recently signed up for a giveaway over at Moda...Home...Mom... She was giving away a nice package of Moda fabric things. To enter you had to come up with a holiday song or poem about Moda. I didn't win (I'm sure she's very nice, and the winners lyrics were cute, but she must not have read mine as I OBVIOUSLY wrote the better, but I thought I would share my entry with you.

Twas the night before Christmas

and all through the home,

not needle was stitching

through the rooms I did roam.

I stopped at the mantel

and did gaze with my eyes all alight,

at my quilted snowman hanging

from Moda's "Merry & Bright."

I paused by the tree and felt such a resonance,

I knew all would be happy

with their "Christmas Presence."

I stepped on the stair

to go snuggle in bed,

in "Funky Monkey" pj's

when I heard a sound in my head.

Santa walked behind me

and whispered quite clear

"Cranberry Wishes" to all

and to all a Moda year!

It was fun coming up with the the words for the poem! The woman who won, did a great job with new lyrics to the "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas." Go to Angela's site to read them!

I should have an update on a couple projects I have been working on in the next day or two, I am afraid with this cold/flu thing I have, I just haven't had the energy to work as fast as I wanted too. Stay tuned...


Angela Yosten said...

HI... I am so sorry you did not win. :( Honestly, I had it narrowed down to four entries that I had a Tough time selecting which one, and you were one of those four.... HONEST! You did an awesome job with your entry and wish I could have given all of you a prize. Don't give up... we have a monthly giveaway of moda items on our Fabricmatcher website and Decembers is really easy. Just post about it on your blog! Just go to and click on Win a Quilt Kit under Show and Tell and follow the rules listed for the December 2008 Contest. Thanks so much for posting!

lissa said...

Your poem is very cute. In fact after reading it the jingle is stuck in my head for the day.

You are also right about Angela, she is very nice.


A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Ahh ha ha that is a good effort!
Great giveaway too!