I have two dogs and a cat. One of the dogs is a puppy that we recently got. That's not who I'm telling you about. I'm telling you about my main squeeze, Bowser. A bi-black (no carmel) Sheltie.

He is the sweetest, most loyal dog ever! He's a little neurotic though. This is because when he was a puppy, Baby Girl accidentally broke his leg. Runner was supposed to be watching them while I curled my hair upstairs. Baby Girl thought it was a great idea to put Bowser in the laundry basket, hold it up, and have him jump out as he was such an avid and high jumper. Well, it was inevitable, the last time he jumped, his foot got caught in the basket.
Serious break. Surgery. Metal plate screwed into leg. Circlage wire. 16 weeks in a CAGE so he wouldn't jump, walk, run...basically move. It was horrible. My poor baby went through a lot. He became afraid and mistrustful of others, something that hasn't really gone away even though we have tried to socialize him.
Bring in the new puppy, Buddy. Half dachshund, half shitzu, all energy!
Not a match made in Heaven, but it's starting to work. Bowser will actually play with Buddy now after three weeks.
So back to the main reason for my post. Last night Runner and Boy Genius had a band concert. We're all running around like crazy, Runner can't find the bow tie to his tux, normal, insane stuff. I put Buddy in his cage (not potty trained yet) and Spartan (unknown to me) lets Bowser out to go potty. Hurry, hurry, we'll be late, there won't be seats, no Baby Girl, you can't take 10 toys with you, where are your instruments, zoom, zoom, out the door, off we go...
Great concert, always is, we have a wonderful Symphony band in our High School. OOHH so cold when we come out. Terrible with that breeze. Pull in the driveway...what do we see? A black streak across the front, snow covered, yard. OH MY GOD! The front door is open and the dog is still out! I start saying "Who let Bowser out?" Not me says Runner. "WHO let Bowser out?" not me say Boy Genius and Baby Girl together. "WHO let Bowser out?" I say figuring one of the kids is trying to cover their butts. "I did." Says Spartan. Shut my mouth. What am I supposed to say to that? It's like 0 degrees, out without the wind chill and Bowser is an indoor dog. Goes out to potty then stares forlornly in the door to be let back in. As I'm heading back in the house, my parting and only comment, is: "You would rip the kids up one side and down the other for that." Nuff said.
My poor puppy stood on the porch for 3 1/2 hours freezing his little feet off on the cement, staring in the front door wondering why we weren't letting him in.
Needless to say, he is a little spooked from it all. He still won't let Buddy near him again as he gets all fidgety and nervous. I don't like it in the dark in the woods and I can reason sounds out, I can't imagine how he felt.
He's at his post now, at the top of the stairs, guarding my bedroom door, ready, at a knock on the door to go guard the other side of my bed (you know all those bed-nappers out there), dreaming of his warm feet in his warm home...