This is such a lovely video. I was so blessed to be part of their day. My husband is the older groomsman with the goatee. There is even a glimpse or two of me in my polka dot dress and in the salon, sans makeup, directing the hairdresser because I can’t help butting in!! That would be, however, why they asked me to be the reception coordinator!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Boys will be boys…
I had to share this. I literally was laughing hysterically when I watched this. This would be my two oldest boys if they were taking a picture for me!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Cute table topper…
The Crafty Quilter has this darling table topper tutorial (say that 10 times fast!) over at her blog. I love it! I’m seeing it in spring time colors. Of course, being the overachiever that I am, I will do needle turn applique instead of just stitching the “seeds” down!
Just click the picture to go directly to the tutorial!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Last day for the Tammy bags…
This has been a really fun hop! I really have enjoyed seeing all the different Tammy bags. Thanks again to Madame Samm for this great blog hop. I am looking forward to participating in lot more!
Here are my top two favorites for the day:
Here are the participants for the last day:
Make sure you go give them some bloggy love!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Wild Roses & More Tammies!
These are the wild roses I have growing on the edge of my driveway. I look forward every year to see when they bloom. I have actually transplanted some successfully to my Mom & Dad’s house and they are doing well!
These are my two favorite Tammy bags for today:
Now go visit these other wonderful Tammy bags!
Friday, June 14, 2013
My favorites today…
Well, today I actually have three favorites! I have to include my own…of course!!!
All of the Tammy bags are gorgeous, but these are the two that caught my eye today:
Don’t forget to visit all the ladies!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
It’s My Turn!!!
First, I want to say a big thank you to Madame Samm for allowing me to participate in this blog hop. Even though I am crazy busy right now, I just couldn’t resist the pull of the Tammy bag’s influence!
I started out with some Lecien fabric that I have been saving for a long time. I didn’t know what I was going to use it for. You know that fabric. You love it, don’t want to cut it, so it sits on the shelf gathering dust waiting for that “perfect” project. I didn’t have a lot of it, so I figured the Tammy bag really was perfect project for it!
I added a spiral crochet rope that I made from some variegated crochet cotton to be a scissors keeper, since I am always misplacing my scissors. I decided to make a little heart out of the same thread and I sewed it on just the one side. I also added some crochet trim that I purchased at JoAnn’s to the pockets on both the outside and the inside.
Now on to the pictures:
I added a Swarovski crystal dangle that I made along with my initial charm and some crochet markers that I made a while ago.
Here you can see my current embroidery project goodies all tucked inside safe and sound.
Here are all the goodies that I had tucked in there. Lots of floss colors, my embroidery piece, a needle book, a ruler, a pencil, a notebook (just in case I become inspired), my drawn pattern and some bits, bobs and beads that I am embellishing my needlework project with. I also have some sewing thread and gold accent thread in the outside pockets. Even with all this stuff in the bag, I still had plenty of room for lots more!
This was a fun project and I really enjoyed making it. I will definitely be making more Tammy bags in the future!
Thanks for stopping by!
Now go check out the other ladies that are offering their lovely bags for your viewing pleasure today!
Loralynn (Me!)
Day 2, Tammy bag blog hop…
Well, today is the second day! Mine is tomorrow. I thought I’d put up pictures and links to my top two favorite bags of the day. Everyone’s bags are awesome, it’s just that these really appealed to me as something I would make. Check them out and please go visit all the wonderful ladies in today’s offerings!
From Wednesday:
Here’s the list for the ladies for today:
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
New blog hop…
Well, Mdme Samm has done it again! She sucked me into another blog hop. I couldn’t help myself, the project was just too cute! Come back to see my creation on Friday. In the meantime, please go give some love to all of these wonderful ladies today:
Monday, May 13, 2013
Friday, April 19, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Spring has finally sprung…
Living in Michigan, it has been a very, very long winter. Yesterday was our first “real” spring day. It was lovely! It got into the mid-sixties and it was so awesome to finally open the windows and blow out all the stale winter air from the house! I even have a couple of pictures to prove that Mother Nature has finally shaken off her mantle of cold in my neck of the woods.
A flutterby (moth)
…and my first Crocus of the season!
Looking at this picture, I can see that I need to get some weeding done. I’m so bad about that. But, it will make the flowers look so much better. I can’t wait for my Daffodils to bloom!!!
Friday, April 5, 2013
A Wedding Block…
In my Husband’s family there is a tradition of making a quilt comprised of quilt blocks made by family members for a newly married couple. The quilt is gifted at the bridal shower to the bride-to-be. Mine, which I received 27 years ago, is, well, to put it nicely…ugly. The block my Mother made is very pretty though. She did an embroidery piece, which really means a lot, because, my Mom doesn’t like to embroider even though she did a lovely job.
As a result of my seriously ugly quilt (some of the blocks look like they were pieced with old clothes…blech…), I have always made a point of making the blocks I create for the quilts that much nicer.
My favorite Niece, whose wedding I will be in this summer…great story, I’ll tell you about it later…wants a vintage theme for her quilt. So, here is my answer to the “perfect” block for it:
It is a hand appliqué block from a freebie by Erin Russek over at One Piece at a Time. I love her patterns! I think my Niece will be pleased!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Stitch Me Up…day 8
Well this is the last day of our hop! It was fun to do and I really look forward to doing another one in the future! Thanks to Mdm Samm and to Jane Remus for organizing it!!!
Sharon @That Other Blog
Patricia @That Other Blog
Caribou Crossing Chronicles of Quilts, the Weather and other Fun Stuff
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Stitch Me Up day 7…ME!
I have been so sick the last month it’s not funny. I started with a pinched sciatic nerve which turned into a severe reaction to the steroid they gave me. Then I moved into bronchitis and wouldn’t you know it…had a bad reaction to the medication they gave me for that! It sure makes being sick harder when you are afraid that the “cure” is going to make you even more miserable than the illness!!!
Well, enough whining…here is my project for the “Stitch Me Up” blog hop:

I have had this fabric, Lil’ Miss Sew & Sew by Dan Morris sitting in my stash for some time now. I just didn’t quite know what to do with it and didn’t really want to cut into it…you know how it is! Well, I was holding on to it for a good reason. When I received the patterns for this blog hop, “Nana’s chair” by Debbie Martinez jumped right out at me. A match made in heaven!

I embroidered everything using different numbered strands of DMC floss depending on the look I was going for. I used lace trim flowers that I hand colored with markers in place of the embroidered flowers. The lace on the back of the chair is actually my first attempt at satin stitch…not the greatest, but still not bad for a first attempt. The buttons are also hand colored using markers to match the flowers. I added a hand embroidered border around the block to add extra detail and pull the whole project together. After everything was sewn together I did some minor quilting and then added the binding by hand. The finished size on the wall hanging is 39” x39”
Over all I am very pleased with how my wall quilt has turned out. I even have a couple of squares left from the panel to make matching pillows for the couch the quilt will hang above.
Thanks to Jane, Mdm Samm and all the wonderful designers for organizing this fun blog hop!
Make sure you visit the other participants for today!
Kristin @That Other Blog
Robin @That Other Blog
Jane's Fabric and Quilts
Dexterdays The WorldThrough Our Window
Sew Nicely
thistle creek cottage
Just Sew Sue
Co mne bavi...
life, quilts and a cat too
Read, quit, cook, pray
Cate's Linens
Shade Tree Quilting
Ladybug Dreams
Stitch Me Up day 6…
Only two more days of our blog hop after today! Make sure you tune in here tomorrow as that will be my day to reveal my project!!!
Judy @That Other Blog
lauraluvsloons and Quilting too
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Stitch Me Up days 4 & 5…
So, I’ve been a little under the weather for the last couple of days. My daughter came down with bronchitis last week and wouldn’t you know it, she had to share with me! Can you feel the love?!? She’s all better now and I’m (hopefully) on the mend. I missed posting yesterday’s ladies and am a little behind with todays, but better late than never, right?
Beverly @That Other Blog
Betty@That Other Blog
Stitch Duchess' Crazy and Sane Quilting World ( late could be a drop out)
Creating My Comforts ( drop out)
Isabel @That Other Blog
Jeanette @That Other Blog ( no show)
Tomorrow's Treasures Today ( no show)
Friday, March 22, 2013
Stitch Me Up…day 3
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Stitch Me Up…Day 2
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Stitch Me Up…day 1!

Our blog hop starts today! My day will be on the 28th, but please check back here every day to see everyone else’s loveliness created especially for this special hop!
Karen@That Other Blog
Susan @That Other Blog (scroll down for both these ladies)
Sowing Stitches
Life in the Scrapatch
Pig Tales and Quilts ( she will be on 22nd)
Marla's Crafts
Gracie Oliver Arts
Humble Quilter
Cherry Blossom Quilting Studio
New Girl News
Sunshine Quilting
Patchouli Moon Studio
Lovin' Life at the End of the Dirt Road
Selina Quilts
Monday, March 4, 2013
I will be participating in the “Stitch me up” embroidery blog hop that happens March 20th-29th. I’m actually really excited about this one as when they sent me the patterns to choose from, one jumped right out at me! I ran to my stash and found the absolutely perfect fabric for the project. That doesn’t happen very often. I usually have to go to the fabric store to find “just the right thing.” This time, it fell into place wonderfully.
Now, I can’t show you the project just yet, as it isn’t quite finished and I have to wait for the big reveal until my day, but I thought I would show you a little teaser!
I have really enjoyed the challenge to my creativity. Now to get it finished before my day…
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Hugs & Kisses Blog Hop…
There’s a blog hop going on over at Sew We Quilt. I couldn’t resist highlighting my favorite entry for the day! These darling heart mug rugs are from Rosemary B. She doesn’t have a blog, so Madam Samm is hosting her at “That Other Blog.” I just may have to make a couple of these for myself!