The colors are much more vibrant in person.
I finally decided on a pattern that I really like. It is called "Friendship Braid" and it is in the book "Jelly Roll Quilts." Well, with everything I do, it wasn't quite going to work. The template is 5 1/2" long and the charm packs are 5" square! So I made a template based on their's and decided to do a test run on scrap fabric. I know from experience that when I get a "great idea," it'll probably fail horribly, so I have learned to test things out first. Miracle of miracles, it worked! Here is the result of my practice run:

Now my only dilemma is what do I do with this piece? It came out to be 12" x 20" in size. I could just make a pillow out of it, but that seems so uninspired! I'm looking for some help here, so please, send your ideas my way!